The Course on dispute settlement in international trade, investment and intellectual property[Latin Book]

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Record Identifier: 14261
Authorstatement: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Subject: World Trade Organization
Subject: Arbitration and award, International
Subject: Foreign trade Requlation
Subject: Dispute resolution )Law(
Subject: Investments, foreign
Subject: World Intellectual Property Organization
Subject: United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
Subject: International centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
Publisher: New York; Geneva,United Nations,2003
Sub Title: ]Module[ 3 : World Trade Organization United Nations Conerence on Trade and Development
Title: The Course on dispute settlement in international trade, investment and intellectual property
Publish place: New York; Geneva
Publisher: United Nations
Publish Date: 2003

Contents: ]Modeule 3.[ World trade organization Pt. 3. 1. Overview.-- 3. 2. Panels.-- 3. 3. Appellate review.-- 3. 4. Implementation and enforcement.-- 3. 6. Anti-dumping measures.-- 3. 7. Subsidies and countervailing measures.-- 3. 8. Safeguard measures.-- 3. 9. SPS measures.-- 3. 10. Technical barriers to trade.-- 3. 11. Textiles and clothing.-- 3. 14. TRIPS/F. Abbott. -- 3. 15. Agriculture/B. O'Connor

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